sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

Lista de Bodas / Wedding List

Para facilitar vuestra elección hemos abierto una Lista de Bodas en El Corte Inglés. Como muchos de vosotros no habláis español hemos hecho un pequeño tutorial de explicación.

Podéis acceder en este enlace.

Una vez en la web seleccionad Invitados. A nuestra cuenta accedéis introduciendo M.VICTORIA (nombre) GOYANES (apellido) o GEAROID (nombre) DUNNE (apellido).

To help with a selection process for a wedding present we have opened a Wedding List in the Spanish retailer El Corte Inglés. As many of you may not speak Spanish we have prepared a small tutorial to explain the webiste of El Corte Inglés and how to enter the wedding list.

You enter this web link

Once in the web choose INVITADOS.

You now arrive on third screen where you see NOMBRE enter (Gearoid) and APELLIDO enter (Dunne) and the push BUSCAR on right hand side.

Then you arrive on fourth screen and press IR A LISTA on right hand side which brings you to actual wedding list. 

From here you can select a gift of your choice by just marking SELECCIONA.

This bring you to a page where you do not need to register so you push ACEPTAR on the right hand side.

Once you have made a selection you will see total of gift where you will then be asked for your personal details for credit card. You will need your Passport Number handy!

You have now arrived on Personal Detail Page for processing of credit card, this is where your Spanish will improve!

NOMBRE:  Enter your christian name.
PRIMER APELLIDO: Enter your Surname / Family name
SEXO: MUJER = Female, HOMBRE = Mail
DÍA = Day     MES = Month      AÑO = Year (Use Numerical)
DOCUMENTO DE IDENTIFICACIÓN: Scroll to OTROS and select and enter your Passport Number

DIRECCIÓN DE COMPRADOR: Address of Purchasor
CALLE = Street
NOMBRE DE VÍA = Name of Street
NÚMERO = House Number
CÓDIGO POSTAL = Postal Code / Area Code
PAÍS = Country. Scroll to IRLANDA (If you live in Ireland ! )
TELÉFONO = Telephone number
FORMA DE PAGO = Form of Payment, scroll to Visa or Mastercard (your choice of payment) and enter your card number.

Spaces left for sending a message and your name (=DE PARTE DE).
Finally enter on TRAMITAR PEDIDO.

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